Campus threats can come in a variety of forms, including those that effect our health. 因为这个原因, 澳门网上博彩官方网站 has adopted a series of policies and procedures to ensure that our students, 教师和工作人员已经准备好应对这种情况. 请阅读并熟悉以下信息:

所有医疗急救电话: 9.911


Bloodborne pathogens are disease-causing microorganisms that can be potentially transmitted through blood and bodily fluid contact. The bloodborne pathogens of concern include (but are not limited to) the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

If you have been exposed to the blood or bodily fluids of another person, 你应该遵循以下程序:


  • 用肥皂和水割伤、针刺或其他皮肤穿透.
  • 用清水冲洗溅到鼻子、嘴巴或皮肤上的水. 用清水、生理盐水或无菌冲洗液冲洗眼睛.
  • 清洗暴露区域时, try to avoid spreading the potential bloodborne pathogen to the surrounding areas.
  • After washing, immediately contact the 学生健康服务 Office (ext. 8157) or the Center for Disease (CD) on call for help and assistance.
  • 按建议就医.

学生健康服务 and/or the CD on call along with Maintenance will contain the area of potential bloodborne pathogens to reduce exposure for others.

澳门网上博彩官方网站 has an Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne病原体 that complies with OSHA requirements. The Exposure Control Plan is available at the Business Office/Human Resources and at the 学生健康服务 Office.


If someone becomes ill or is injured and requires medical attention:

  • 叫9.911 and advise them of your location and the nature of the victim's illness/injury. Send someone to wait by the building entry door to direct emergency personnel to the victim's location.
  • Unless trained in emergency first aid procedures and CPR, do not attempt to render any first aid 在训练有素的救援人员到达之前. 通知大厦管理处.
  • 不要试图移动 跌倒的人.
  • 安慰受害者 并向他们保证医疗援助正在路上.
  • 注意与血源性病原体(BBP)相关的危害. 不要接触体液.
  • 在受害者的紧急需要得到照顾之后, remain to assist security/medical services with pertinent information about the incident.
  • Any personnel who might have been exposed to an infectious material should seek medical attention for follow-up as soon as possible.


  • 在校园里应尽量减少使用乳胶手套
  • 禁止在校园内使用/展示乳胶气球
  • Educational material on latex allergies will be provided to students/employees on an annual basis by human resources and student life (student handbook/employee handbook) with help from student health services if needed
  • 如果有必要的话, employees will be shown proper skin protection techniques for working with students who are sensitive or allergic to latex.
  • Personnel should be aware and help to identify existing items on campus that contain latex that may need to be eliminated or have warning labels posted
  • 随着现有设备的更换, 购买时应考虑使用非乳胶设备, 如果可用. 如果非乳胶材料不可用, skin contact precautions will be utilized with anyone who has a latex allergy or sensitivity.
  • Human Resources and Student Life will work together to identify and educate departments that may use latex:
    • 生物/化学实验室
    • 体育部门
    • 体育教练
    • 健康中心
    • 澳门网上博彩官方网站书店
    • 食品服务
    • 设施
    • 学生健康服务
  • Human Resources will contact community agencies that provide services to Waldorf about our latex policy at the beginning of every academic year such as:
    • 比尔家庭食品
    • 庭院花园
    • 温尼贝戈公共卫生(在校园进行流感疫苗或筛查)
    • 爱荷华州血液中心(校园献血活动)
  • Departments needing to use latex products should communicate accordingly to constituents and label or post warnings as needed about the use of latex and allergy sensitivities

家庭医生有更多的信息 乳胶的敏感性.


近年来, an increasing number of people have developed a sensitivity or allergy to latex products. 澳门网上博彩官方网站 currently has students, staff and guests on campus that have allergies to latex. Waldorf recognizes this major health concern and outlines a new policy to decrease our community's exposure to latex allergy concerns.


天然胶乳来自热带橡胶树的一种液体. This liquid is processed to make many of the following rubber products used at home and at work:

  • 气球
  • 橡胶玩具
  • 安抚奶嘴和奶嘴
  • 橡皮筋 & 避孕套
  • 胶带和绷带
  • 尿布和卫生巾


薄, stretchy latex rubber in gloves and balloons is high in this protein that causes an allergic reaction in some people. It causes more allergic reactions than products made of hard rubber (like tires). 也, 因为有些乳胶手套是涂有玉米淀粉粉的, the latex protein particles stick to the cornstarch and fly into the air when the gloves are taken off or when a balloon might be popped. 在经常戴手套和脱手套的地方, 空气中可能含有许多乳胶颗粒.


Latex allergy can result from repeated exposure to proteins in natural rubber latex through skin contact or inhalation. Reactions usually begin within minutes of exposure to latex, but they can occur hours later. 接触乳胶会产生各种症状, 包括皮疹和炎症, 呼吸道过敏, 哮喘, 咳嗽, 荨麻疹, 流泪,在极少数情况下过敏性休克.

The most common reaction to latex products and is characterized by development of dry, 痒, 皮肤上的过敏部位, 通常是手. 这种反应是由使用手套引起的皮肤刺激引起的, 手套里的粉末, latex balloons and possibly exposure to other workplace products and chemicals. The powder used to line disposable gloves and balloons can absorb latex proteins and then become airborne resulting in 哮喘tic reactions among individuals who did not use gloves or touch the balloons but merely inhaled latex-containing dust.

The most serious of the reactions that usually begin within minutes of exposure to latex, 但几小时后会出现各种症状. 很少, anaphylactic shock may occur; but a life-threatening reaction is seldom the first sign of latex allergy.


  • 眼睛发痒、发红、流泪
  • 打喷嚏或流鼻涕
  • 咳嗽
  • 皮疹或荨麻疹
  • 胸闷,呼吸短促
  • 冲击


那些做过多次手术的人也有风险, 尤其是在儿童时期, 还有患有脊柱裂和泌尿系统异常的人. 乳胶制品随处可见. 任何人都可能对乳胶过敏.

Studies indicate that 1-6% of the general populations are sensitized to latex. A smaller group of the population has been classified as higher risk for latex sensitization.


  • persons with multiple allergic conditions, including food allergies,
  • 患有脊柱裂或其他神经管缺陷的人;
  • 接受过多次外科手术的人,
  • 需要多次膀胱导尿的患者.



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